Guidelines and pricing


Conference Fee

All submitted conference papers will be reviewed under a double-blind peer review process. The amount of the conference fee will be determined in accordance with individual review results as follows:

150 € – a paper in English, recommended to be published in the conference proceedings which will be submitted for evaluation by international citation databases (Clarivate Web of Science),

120 € – a paper in Slovak, Czech, Polish, English or other language, which will be published in the standard conference proceedings.

In cases of co-authorship, each co-author pays a conference fee of 70, – €, whether attending the conference or not.

We would like to remind you that it is necessary to respect the deadline for submitting papers (20th November 2024) so we are able to inform you of the results of the review process and to determine your conference fee in sufficient time. In case you are unable to meet the deadline, your paper will not be published. The conference fee covers organizational costs. Note that the conference fee may be paid via bank transfer (please complete your billing information when completing the registration form if you are interested in this option).

Údaje pre zadanie platby (povinné!):

Úplný názov príjemcu: Fakulta masmediálnej komunikácie  UCM v Trnave
Ulica a číslo príjemcu: Nám. J. Herdu 2
Mesto príjemcu s PSČ:  Trnava, 91701
Štát príjemcu: Slovensko
IČO: 36078913  
DIČ: 2021385861
Číslo účtu príjemcu v tvare IBAN:  SK87 8180 0000 0070 0007 1900
Swiftový kód*: SPSRSKBA
Úplný názov banky: Štátna pokladnica
Mesto banky: Bratislava
Štát, kde sídli banka: Slovensko, Radlinského 11
Variabilný symbol: 12112024
Správa pre prijímateľa: špecifický symbol

Potvrdenie o prevedení platby je potrebné zaslať na

Required payment information: 

Name: Fakulta masmediálnej komunikácie  UCM v Trnave (Faculty of Mass Media Communication) 
Address: Nám. J. Herdu 2 
City + Zip code: Trnava, 91701 
Country: Slovakia 
Business ID : 36078913  
Tax ID: 2021385861 
Swift code: SPSRSKBA 
Bank: Štátna pokladnica 
Bank address:  Radlinského 11, Bratislava, Slovakia 
Variable symbol: 12112024 
Note: specific symbol 

Payment confirmation has to be sent to 

Guidelines for Authors

Submission of abstracts: September 30, 2024 October 11, 2024

Please send your abstract in Slovak, Czech or English and to the minimal extent of 1000 characters (including keywords) through registration form by 30th September 2024 at the latest.

Submission of papers: November 20, 2024
Papers received after this date will not be accepted. 

Please find the guidelines in „DOWNLOAD“ section.


V prípade nedodania registrovaného príspevku do uvedeného deadlinu, bude hlavnému autorovi účtovaný storno poplatok 50% z finálnej sumy príspevku. 
Ak autor registrovaný príspevok odhlási 10 a viac dní pred konaním konferencie, storno poplatok nebude účtovaný. 

Ak autor registrovaný príspevok odhlási menej ako 10 dní pred konaním konferencie bude hlavnému autorovi účtovaný  storno poplatok vo výške 50% z finálnej sumy príspevku.

In case the registered submission is not delivered by the specified deadline, a cancellation fee of 50% of the final contribution amount will be charged to the main author.

If the author cancels the registered submission 10 or more days before the conference, no cancellation fee will be charged.

If the author cancels the registered submission less than 10 days before the conference, a cancellation fee of 50% of the final contribution amount will be charged to the main author. 


Scholarly publications related to the conference

  • Peer-reviewed conference proceedings that include selected conference contributions in English, which will be suggested for database indexation (Clarivate Web of Science, Scopus, etc.).
  • Standard conference proceedings in Slovak, Czech, Polish or other languages.

Conference proceedings related to Marketing Identity 2013 – 2020 have been positively evaluated and indexed by Clarivate Web of Science. Conference proceedings related to the conference Marketing Identity 2019 are currently being evaluated by Clarivate Web of Science.

We would like tWe would like to kindly remind authors that these texts must meet all grammatical, stylistic and scholarly requirements associated with academic writing in English and that translations must reach the highest professional and terminological level.

In case the contributions meet the given requirements, the received papers will be published in peer-reviewed conference proceedings. All texts as submitted must be original, so-far-unpublished (please see the Editorial Policy tab).

Presentations of papers, including discussion, may not exceed 15 minutes.