„Marketing Identity“ are scientific peer reviewed conference proceedings published annually by the Faculty of Mass Media Communication at UCM in Trnava, Slovakia. The proceedings aim to present the most significant theoretical, research and professional contributions to the international scientific conference “Marketing Identity” in order to provide the selected papers with wider scientific and professional recognition.
The entire version of the editorial policy: Marketing & Media Identity: Editorial Policy
Editorial Principles
During the initial phase of editorial procedures, editors assess all submitted manuscripts. Each paper is then reviewed via a double-blind peer review process – anonymously, by two mutually independent reviewers affiliated with different scientific or professional institutions than the author(s) of the manuscript. Both reviewers are required to use a standardised review form. Each review contains a concluding part in which a reviewer recommends immediate acceptance, acceptance after necessary adjustments or rejection of the reviewed manuscript.
Publication Criteria
All reviewers are requested to consider the following criteria:
- The paper’s relevance in terms of the conference’s main topic and discussion sessions.
- The author’s ability to offer an overview of current knowledge in the given scholarly field or area of expertise.
- Overall quality of the submitted theoretical reflections and/or research materials.
- The paper’s reliability – the used information sources, methodological frameworks and research procedures must be processed and referred to appropriately.
- Ethical principles – the paper must meet all required ethical principles associated with scholarly writing.
Each author will receive appropriate information on review results related to their manuscript. Based on the reviewers’ comments and conclusions, the editors will make preliminary decisions about whether to reject, significantly change or slightly adjust the reviewed manuscripts. Some of the manuscripts may be approved to be published without any necessary changes, corrections or amendments.
Overview of the Review Procedure
- Every paper undergoes a double-blind peer review process, i.e. it is reviewed by two mutually independent, anonymous reviewers affiliated with different scholarly institutions or professional organisations than the author.
- All reviews are presented in written form and end with the reviewers’ decisions about rejecting or accepting the papers for publishing (with or without necessary adjustments).
- After receiving the reviews, the members of the Organising Committee of the international scientific conference “Marketing Identity” inform the authors of the reviewers’ comments and of the final decision regarding publishing the individual papers, which is made by the editors.
- If necessary, the reviewed papers can be sent back to the authors, along with appropriate suggestions to correct, amend or adjust their papers. These suggestions can be proposed by the reviewers, as well as by the editors of the conference proceedings.
- If a paper is accepted for publication, its author (or one of the authors designated to make amendments by all the other authors) will receive the paper for revision. The editorial staff reserve the right to make slight adjustments and corrections to the texts.
- If the author (or one of the authors designated to make amendments by all the other authors) does not submit any objections within 5 working days from reception of the paper and review results, this shall mean that no such objections exist. The paper is then subject to publishing in its current form and no additional changes are possible.
V prípade nedodania registrovaného príspevku do uvedeného deadlinu, bude hlavnému autorovi účtovaný storno poplatok 50% z finálnej sumy príspevku.
Ak autor registrovaný príspevok odhlási 10 a viac dní pred konaním konferencie, storno poplatok nebude účtovaný.
Ak autor registrovaný príspevok odhlási menej ako 10 dní pred konaním konferencie bude hlavnému autorovi účtovaný storno poplatok vo výške 50% z finálnej sumy príspevku.
In case the registered submission is not delivered by the specified deadline, a cancellation fee of 50% of the final contribution amount will be charged to the main author.
If the author cancels the registered submission 10 or more days before the conference, no cancellation fee will be charged.
If the author cancels the registered submission less than 10 days before the conference, a cancellation fee of 50% of the final contribution amount will be charged to the main author.